Gender equality consulting

Forward thinking companies and leaders have rightly invested in supporting women with coaching, training, revised policies and other interventions. These initiatives are well-intentioned, as are the guiding policies, but we would argue that they only part of the solution.

Imagine a fish tank. We take the fish (your people) out of the tank for a little while, give them a polish with training, coaching etc., but then put them back into polluted water (your organisation) again. How can this alone create lasting change?

As coach consultants we support organisations in identifying the untapped opportunities and blind spots for a more gender-balanced workplace, bringing what was formerly invisible and unconscious into clear view. By taking an inside-out approach we surface the unwritten “code” by which people progress within your organisation. By mapping this against external best practice we provide a view and practical recommendations for a more equitable organisational system – in other words, a cleaner fish tank.

Our programme of work typically includes:

  • Qualitative interviews and round tables with your people – past and present.

  • Quantitative internal data analysis.

  • Best practice and external analysis.

The pressure to genuinely enable all talent to thrive has never been greater and it is increasingly difficult for organisations to ignore the economic upside of a gender-balanced and diverse workforce. It is what regulators, investors, clients and prospective employees expect. As part of our work with forward-thinking organisations we have documented best practice areas of focus and created an Enabling All Talent to Thrive scorecard. You can read more about this here.

Our report into why women are not progressing in your organisation …

… and what you can do about it.

The Tall Wall provided invaluable input, advice and expertise. They supplemented our internal team and, in particular, through their independence managed to get to the heart of the issues through expert facilitation. Their practical output report provided thoughtful recommendations for our team to take forward and make a material difference in the future.
— HRD, international law firm

Let’s chat

 If you would like to find out how we can enable your talented people to maximise their full potential for your organisation, please get in touch.