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Dr Sam Humphrey

Career background Employee Relations, HR & Global Head of Coaching in FMCG
Focus Executive Coaching; Team Coaching
Based in UK

Sam has a highly commercial background and started her corporate career in Jaguar Cars, moved to Scottish Power then spent a decade at FMCG giant, Unilever, where her final corporate role was as Global Head of Coaching. Following this, Sam has coached leaders and their teams across a range of corporate businesses, professional services firms and public sector organisations.

Sam’s book Coaching Stories: Flowing and Falling of Being a Coach was published in 2019 and she has published numerous articles. In 2021, Sam completed a Doctorate in Coaching Supervision and is a Master Practitioner Coach with the European Mentoring and Coaching Council, as well as a Chartered Coach with the Worldwide Association of Business Coaches.

Sam supports senior leaders and their teams to increase their impact at an intellectual, cognitive, relational and behavioural level. She helps people explore what they need to learn and unlearn to enable them to understand their purpose and connect it to their work. Common outcomes from working with Sam are improved business and personal performance and increased feelings of purpose, confidence and competence. People say being coached by Sam is ‘comfortably uncomfortable’ and involves working at their learning edge.

Sam works in a transparent way to ensure her clients leave with clarity on what and how coaching has helped them with their issue, so they retain ownership for their coaching experience.