Sarah Chaplin-Lee

Sarah takes a holistic approach to her work and encourages her clients to grow from a place of clarity and appreciation of who they are and what makes them great, both as professionals and individuals. She has a particular interest in challenges around personal authority, agency and negative self-talk, such as the inner critic/imposter, that can be impediments to progress.
Sarah likes to work collaboratively and with a high level of engagement. She is naturally optimistic and a strong advocate for positive thinking and exploring multiple possibilities. Her corporate background and rigorous work ethic are underpinned by strong intuition; her clients testify that she is adept at getting straight to the nub of the issue, that they feel quickly understood and feel supported in a non-judgemental way and can move forward with real confidence and self-belief.
Sarah is direct, honest and uses humour alongside challenge to encourage clients to own their outcomes and commit to action. Described as ‘seasoned and experienced’, Sarah’s background allows her to bring insights and practical suggestions to add to her clients’ thinking so they get what they need to flourish and be successful.
Before coaching, Sarah occupied a senior role in financial services before working as an operational and commercial advisor to CEOs across all sectors, dealing with varied business challenges. Her commercial acumen and experience in professional and financial services gives her an understanding of corporate cultures and the expectations and pressures associated with working in business.